LargeOn March 27, Mary and I returned to Liberty Park in Inverness, FL. I didn't have my tripod with me. I took the shot above at 7:53 p.m. Eastern, setting my camera to a 1/40-second exposure at f4.5. That darkened the image considerably; I subsequently altered brightness, contrast, and gamma.
Venus is visible near the bottom of the shot, next to a hanging finger of Spanish moss.
The sky's actual brightness looked more as it does in the shot below, taken at 8:01 p.m. My settings were for a 1/3 second exposure at f2.8, and I'm thrilled my image came out as sharp as it did. Jupiter is the faint dot about halfway down the shot(best seen in the
large view). Venus is above and slightly to the right of Jupiter. the Moon is above and to the left of Venus.
Elissa Malcohn's Deviations and Other JourneysPromote Your Page Too
Vol. 1, Deviations: Covenant (2nd Ed.), Vol. 2, Deviations: Appetite, Vol. 3, Deviations: Destiny, Vol. 4, Deviations: Bloodlines, Vol. 5, Deviations: TelZodo, Vol. 6 and conclusion: Deviations: Second Covenant.Free downloads at the Deviations website (click here for alternate link), Smashwords, and Manybooks.
Proud participant, Operation E-Book Drop (provides free e-books to personnel serving overseas. Logo from the imagination and graphic artistry of K.A. M'Lady & P.M. Dittman); Books For Soldiers (ships books and more to deployed military members of the U.S. armed forces); and Shadow Forest Authors (a fellowship of authors and supporters for charity, with a focus on literacy).
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