(Cloud)-Parting Shots

I waited outside for these clouds to clear, so that I could photograph Venus and Jupiter. According to Universe Today, a Venus-Jupiter conjunction will occur on March 15, when the two planets will pass within 3 degrees of each other.

Venus and Jupiter make a brief appearance here. Venus (on the right) is normally the brighter of the two, but the cloud covering Venus makes it look about the same as Jupiter. The time was around 7:57 p.m. Eastern.

While I waited for the clouds in the west to clear, I took advantage of a clear eastern sky to photograph Mars at around 8:07 p.m. Eastern.
In its roughly two-year orbit, Mars made its closest approach to Earth on March 5. According to EarthSky, this close encounter will next occur in April of 2014, when Mars is again at opposition.
Finally, Venus and Jupiter emerged from the clouds in the west:

I snapped the shot above at around 8:12 Eastern.

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