Recent Work

My digital collage "Sunset Flight" is in the Second Annual Caregiving Art Show, up through September 15, 2012. The art show benefits and its CareGifters Program, which provides small grants to caregivers in need.
All butterflies except for the one at lower right (photographed here) are taken from my Florida Museum of Natural History and Butterfly Rainforest photoset. The statue comes from this photograph. I photographed the sunset here.
My photography also appears in two CareGifters series books: Comedy:

and Forgiveness, including the cover image:

Proceeds from the sale of the CareGifters books benefit the CareGifters Program. Ebooks are just $5.
The longest poem I've written to date (a glosa cycle of 300+ lines) has come out in The Fifth Di... 14(3):

You can read "Last Rites" here.
My poem "Attack of the Giant Spiders" appears in Eye To The Telescope #5 (LGBTQ Speculative Poetry, edited by Stephen M. Wilson). Poems "When Zombies Go Steady" and "The Bot's Dilemma, Upon the Death of Earth" appear in ETTT #4 (Speculative Poetry in Form, edited by Lester Smith).

"The Last Dragon Slayer," which originally appeared in Mythic Delirium #24, was a 2012 Rhysling Award nominee, appearing in this year's anthology.

Two of my poems appear in Exploring the Cosmos: minimalist science poetry. Both were originally posted on my blog: "Partial Solar Eclipse" and "Grand Raiment."

Exploring the Cosmos is a trifold sampler provided by the Science Fiction Poetry Association. You can download a .pdf of this and more samplers here.

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