Saturday, April 30, 2011

Publications, Reviews, Birds


My contributor's copy of A Sea of Alone: Poems for Alfred Hitchcock has arrived, with my poem "Far From the Pleasure Garden":

Watch this space for ordering info.

I now also have copies of Open Laboratory 2010: The Best of Science Writing on the Web in hand, with my sonnets "Manipulations" and "In Development":

My To-Do list includes submitting to Open Lab 2011. Check out the most recent "submissions so far" list with links to the original articles. After five years of being self-published, Open Lab will now be brought to you by Scientific American Books, an imprint of Farrar, Straus and Giroux (more info here). Congratulations to series editor Bora Zivkovic and to all involved!

Beautiful illos by Paula Friedlander and Tim Mullins will accompany my poem "The Last Dragon Slayer," forthcoming in Mythic Delirium #24. Preview the art here.

The WyoPoets Newsletter has reprinted my article "Social Networking and the Found Poem" in its April 2011 issue. Another reprint, "The Many Shades of Dark Poetry," is slated for July. Both originally appeared in Of Poets And Poetry, the newsletter of the Florida State Poets Association.


Back in March (discovered by me in April), Bard Bloom posted this review of Covenant and inspired a discussion that made my day. Writes Bloom, "I give this one an enthusiastic recommendation. Interesting characters, interesting moral quandary, and lots of responses to it. I was expecting one of two easy answers, but Malcohn quite bravely avoided them both."

A new review of She Nailed A Stake Through His Head: Tales of Biblical Terror has appeared at Shock Totem. Writes John Boden, "Take a measure of Mad Max futurism and mix liberally with prophets, the damned, and revenge and you have Elissa Malcohn’s, 'Judgment at Naioth.'"


Closer to home, the ibises are back in town:

Eudocimus albus, Family Threskiornithidae. Says eNature, "Around their colonies, ibises eat crabs and crayfish, which in turn devour quantities of fish eggs. By keeping down the numbers of crayfish, the birds help increase fish populations. In addition, their droppings fertilize the water, greatly increasing the growth of plankton, the basic food of all marsh life. White Ibises gather at dusk in spectacular roosts, long lines of birds streaming in from all directions."

I spotted this peahen moseying around our local strip mall:

Genus Pavo, likely Pavo cristatus (India blue peafowl). According to United Peafowl Association, "Peafowl are native to India, Burma, Java. Ceylon [Sri Lanka], Malaya. and Congo. Peafowl are relatives of pheasants. The main difference between peafowl and pheasants is in the plumage. Peafowl are very hardy birds and with proper care, can live forty to fifty years. The term 'peafowl' refers to the species name. The male is called the peacock and the female is called the peahen. Offspring under the age of one year are called peachicks."

Mary and I subsequently learned that several peafowl are in the area. This individual seemed relatively comfortable around humans, and actually walked toward me as I took this next shot.

Elissa Malcohn's Deviations and Other Journeys
Promote Your Page Too

Vol. 1, Deviations: Covenant (2nd Ed.), Vol. 2, Deviations: Appetite, Vol. 3, Deviations: Destiny, Vol. 4, Deviations: Bloodlines, Vol. 5, Deviations: TelZodo
Free downloads at the Deviations website, Smashwords, and Manybooks.

Proud participant, Operation E-Book Drop (provides free e-books to personnel serving overseas. Logo from the imagination and graphic artistry of K.A. M'Lady & P.M. Dittman); Books For Soldiers (ships books and more to deployed military members of the U.. armed forces); and Shadow Forest Authors (a fellowship of authors and supporters for charity, with a focus on literacy).
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

April Wildlife

Spring in Florida: Snowbirds head back north, residential roads fill with lawn care vehicles, bird song competes with riding mowers -- and tiny wildlife greets my camera again at our strip malls and post office.


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Genus Paectes. Photographed at our local post office on April 4, 2011. Thanks to William Donald Newton at Bugguide for the ID. According to Bugguide, this genus contains 12 species.

This is the second moth species I've seen that tilts its abdomen up. The other was a male Mournful Sphinx moth I'd photographed in 2005.


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Magnolia Green Jumper (Lyssomanes viridis). (Best viewed large.)

This little one (body about 5mm long) dropped onto my hand during a windy day in the park on April 16. My first thought was an immature green lynx spider, but then I saw the eyes on the downloaded shot. Those big ones in front are typical of Salticidae (jumping spiders).

This species ranges from North Carolina to Florida and west to Texas. BugGuide also reports several images sent from Virginia.


Wasps in the Polistes genus (paper wasps). "Probably from Greek polistes ... 'founder of a city,'" according to Bugguide.

These individuals were building their nest at the local strip mall. Photographed on April 20.

On Earth Day (April 22) I spotted a couple of moth species high up on the post office wall:


Merry Melipotis moth, Melipotis jucunda, Family Erebidae. Thanks to Randy Hardy at Bugguide for the ID. Estimated body length of this individual is about one inch.

"Two or three broods in New Jersey, multiple generations in Deep South with mature caterpillars throughout growing season," says Bugguide.

I also photographed this species in 2007.


Southern Emerald moth, Synchlora frondaria, Family Geometridae. Ranges throughout "southern USA; Central and South America; Greater & Lesser Antilles," according to Bugguide.

Thanks go again to Randy Hardy for the ID. I had photographed a member of this species in 2007, but that individual had been considerably larger than this one: an estimated 25mm wingspan then, versus about 15mm now. I wasn't sure I had seen members of the same species. Bugguide places the average size at 15mm.

Also on Earth Day, and also at the post office, I found this antlion:


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Close-up of head and thorax:

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Order Neuroptera (Antlions, Lacewings and Allies), Family Myrmeleontidae (Antlions). Body is about two inches long.

Antlions are beneficial insects that eat insect pests. Larvae are also called "doodlebugs," due to the tracks they leave in sand. The larvae of most antlion species dig shallow sand pits to trap prey. See this University of Florida page for more info, and this page on how to rear your own.

Not-so-tiny wildlife:


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I had been reading on our front porch when this bunny hopped into view. Storms had created a neighborhood power outage on April 5; otherwise I wouldn't have taken advantage of natural light and seen this little one.

And overhead...


Taken at 8:53 p.m. Eastern Time, April 5. The Moon is 59 hours 21 minutes old and 5 percent of full. This might be my best earthshine shot to date.

Keith Cooley explains that Earthshine "is caused by sunlight that reflects off the Earth onto the Moon's night side. Under the earthshine, the Moon's outline and its dark features can be seen, even though only a thin crescent is bright. We see the Moon because of reflected sunlight (the Moon does not generate its own light). At times, however, the dark part of the Moon glows."

Elissa Malcohn's Deviations and Other Journeys
Promote Your Page Too

Vol. 1, Deviations: Covenant (2nd Ed.), Vol. 2, Deviations: Appetite, Vol. 3, Deviations: Destiny, Vol. 4, Deviations: Bloodlines, Vol. 5, Deviations: TelZodo
Free downloads at the Deviations website, Smashwords, and Manybooks.

Proud participant, Operation E-Book Drop (provides free e-books to personnel serving overseas. Logo from the imagination and graphic artistry of K.A. M'Lady & P.M. Dittman); Books For Soldiers (ships books and more to deployed military members of the U.. armed forces); and Shadow Forest Authors (a fellowship of authors and supporters for charity, with a focus on literacy).
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
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